MikeJensen on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/mikejensen/art/Remodeling-of-Parents-Kitchen-109978446MikeJensen

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MikeJensen's avatar

Remodeling of Parents Kitchen



Hey guys,

Here's a render of my parents kitchen. They wanted to remodel it, so I came up with a design. I don't really think they like it, because it is to contemporary for them! haha, oh well. I learned a lot doing this. It's pretty much finished. I would like to do more, but it's time to move on! :)

It's my first architectural visualization image, so it was a great learning experience, even if my parents would rather go for aged wood ancient looking kitchen. I modeled everything in 3dsMax, and rendered everything in V-Ray. Did some post touch-ups in Photoshop. Anyways, Hope you like it!
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1680x1050px 866.51 KB
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hunterjuly4's avatar
I love the color.🍇 and gentle light. Pretty kitchen 🍐